Understated vs. Overstated Rooms

I love the clean simplicity of a Swedish home, yet in my own home I tend to collect things from dishes to mercury glass that has filled every corner, table and floor space available. Though I love the look of an understated home I tend to the overstated....lots of stuff! I want to live with many things around me that make me happy and I just think in an understated home....what would I look at...what would I move around....what would I collect? Pretty impossible but my admiration for those people that can edit their home, to show off all the details of each carefully picked item, knows no bounds! Here are a few examples of under and overstated rooms. What do you like?

Linking with Savvy Southern StyleFrench Country CottageMy Romantic HomeA Delightsome LifeThe Dedicated HouseThe Charm of Home



Living Room....


Dining Room...





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via: Via Jolie Marche, Dustjacket, domainehome.com