Good Book: Modern Rustic

I have done posts before about how much I love Rustic style so when I saw this book by Emily Henson at Anthropology I jumped at it. Emily is a stylist and author living in London and she has a really good feeling and understanding of this style. Rough wood, stone, muted colours and all natural materials are the essence of the rustic style and pairing them with a modern take on furnishings and accessories is really the perfect combination. Emily says, "Despite its use of recylced materials and objects, this is not a typical vintage look; it is more original than that. Modern Rustic incorporates the latest interior design know-hows and exciting, contemporary materials, and brings rusticity with all its honest, unpretentious appeal, beautifully up to date" I think this statement sums up her book perfectly!

Photos by : Catherine Gratwicke

Linking with Savvy Southern StyleFrench Country CottageMy Romantic HomeCommon Ground Do




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A Life Less Ordinary : Part 2

On Thursday this week I featured Part 1 of this post on the book A Life Less Ordinary. In the first part I showed you photos from the authors store, I gigi, and today I would like to share some photos from their homes. As I said the other day I find the book incredibly inspirational and their homes...well they are amazing!





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All photos from: A Life Less Ordinary

Good Book: A Life Less Ordinary

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This week my daughter came home with a book that she bought at Anthropologie called A Life Less Ordinary. She is a photographer in her last year of college and bought the book for inspiration for some photos she is doing next semester. Well, I took one look at this book and settled on the couch with a cup of tea and took some serious dream time for myself. WOW.....I came away so inspired to move furniture, take pictures and think creatively. The two authors and best friends, Zoe Ellison and Alex Legendre, are the owners of I gigi General Store in East Sussex, England. The book is a history of their lives and friendship and of the inspiration for their homes and for the store. Every page is a delight and their story is really lovely. Take a look at just a few of the photos of the store and tomorrow I will show you pictures of their homes...See Part 2 and the owners homes HERE !!

Linking with: French Country Cottage




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Images via: Anthropologie, hello lovely